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Featured Products

Flange Aligners

The Pipe Flange Aligner saves valuable fit-up time, in most cases it cuts fit-up time in half and eliminates the frustration of balancing a level on the pins.


Magnetic Centering Heads

The Magnetic Centering Heads are designed to establish and mark a center-line on a pipe or tank. This tool is a must for the welder’s or fitters’ toolbox.

Plasma Beveling Cutting Guide

Flange Wizard‘s new burning guide is designed to not only cut straight, irregular shapes and circles, but also bevel them at the same time. 

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Why Choose Flange Wizard?

Why choose Flange Wizard® Inc.? This is your One Stop Site for "The Welder's Choice for Quality" in pipe and structural fabricating tools and burning guides. Since 1981 Flange Wizard® Inc. has been designing and manufacturing quality tools for welders and fitters. Our products consist of flange aligners, two-hole pins, centering heads, wrap-a-rounds, angle and saddle markers, levels, conventional and plasma burning guides, along with various other layout tools. All of our products are designed for welders by a welder, made and assembled in the U.S.A. and proud to be "The Welder's Choice for Quality". Customers include welders, pipefitters, automotive, plumbing, construction, ranch-hands, and you.